Saturday, July 2, 2016

Home Sweet Home...

After 11 hours of travel, some rain, some traffic, some laughs and lots of memories our team of 24 all made it home or their next destination. We thank God for our safety and new friendships! It's always bittersweet to be home. Happy to return to the love of family and friends but sad to leave those we care for in Arizona.

A message from Tracie...

I would like to personally thank each team member for partnering with me on this trip. I literally could not have done it without you. You are each uniquely gifted which enabled us to complete the work we did and connect to the children on the reservation in F.A.T.C.O. As we continue to pray for the seeds we planted, my prayer is that they will hide God's word in their hearts with the Bible we gave them.    

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Brown Day 4...

At the end of day 4 we are proud to say we accomplished a lot. It has been satisfying work and we can't wait to see the final results next year. We pass the baton to the next group arriving tomorrow, Saturday, were they will replace the roof on the dorm. We pray for their safety and work times without rain. 

The final day of VBS is always emotional. Full of joy with the kids we've come to know and love, and sadness as we leave them just as we start to scratch the surface of who they are. We leave committed to praying for them as we see their little smiling faces in our minds.

A message from Karin...

Yesterday we had to leave the children early because of the weather and this morning it rained.  We wondered if we would be able to go out to them today.  But the Lord stopped the raining for the short time we were with them and they were happy to see us as we were happy to see them.  The children become more comfortable with us with each day that we spend with them.  Some are sad as we say our last good-byes for the week and so are we.  But to brighten our mood we stopped at one of the Native stands and ate fried bread. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Arizona Mission Team 2016

Now that's a good lookin' team!

Navy Day 3...

Well after day 3 of work on the remodeled dorm it is ready to be sprayed with texture, the plumbing is in and the backer board is going up. Things are getting closer to being ready for people to stay in there in 2 weeks. 

We had a record number of children at VBS today, a total of 62. It was such a joy to know many of their names today, have them want to sing the songs and play games on the bus, and shout out scripture together. They really loved the Teddy bears we gave out today.

A message from Caleb...

Hi guys! So one day there was this little girl and she wasn't smiling at all. She looked sad and stuff, so I decided I would try to make her laugh. I spent like 15 minutes trying to cheer her up and make her laugh and nothing was working. I mean she smiled, like twice, but not for long. So later when I was playing tag with some of the boys, I was chasing one of them and she sorta waddles up behind me, tags me on the back and runs away as fast as she can with the cutest smile ever, giggling with a look of pure joy on her face. Sometimes the people you think weren't affected by you at all could be changed by just spending a little time on them. (Also, THE Mrs. Tracie Cordle may have known many of their names today, but I recognize them by their faces and shirts. I'm probably going to learn very few of the kids' names by Thursday.)

Red Day 2...

Today we had a good day of work as we continued hanging dry wall, applying dry wall mud, sanding, framing and so much more.

Next we enjoyed a second day of VBS with over 50 kids! It was a great time making connections with the kids.

A moment shared by Theresa... 

It was so amazing that the moment we stepped off the bus, some of the kids were shouting our names.  Two young girls, not more that 5 years old, ran up with a hug so strong, we were practically knocked over.  Each day more and more of the kids join us in singing the songs, a few of the older boys do so reluctantly, but we're getting to them.

It's a struggle too because each day we are asked by several children, "Are you coming back tomorrow?"  Far too soon, the answer will be "not until next year".  But for the next two days, we'll love up on them the best we can while sharing God's word through our words and actions.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Team arrived in Show Low!

After 12 hours of travel, the AZ mission team arrived safely at the American Indian Christian Mission in Show Low! Please pray for rest tonight, as they prepare for a full week ahead! 

AZ Mission Team on the Road!

Aaaand they're off! Our 23 team members met at 5:30am this morning to pack up the caravan of cars, and were sent off by friends and family! They will be on the road for the next 11 hours or so, with a few planned stops. Please be praying for safe travels, team health, fun car conversations, and team unity! We are so proud of our group!! 

Prayer for the team this morning! 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Arizona Missions Trip June 25th to July 1st

Saturday, June 25 at 6:00AM
We have a team of 24 leaving to serve at the American Indian Christian Mission.
Coby Borkin, Josh Borkin, Theresa Burnett, Robert Childs, Kara Cordle, 
Tracie Cordle, Richard Cuellar, Madi Gilmore, Caleb Hoback, John Hogue, 
Taryn Hogue, Kyle Kincaid, Lorrie McDougald, Nathan McDougald, 
Aiden McDougald, Karin Owens, Troy Owens, Bill Reagan, Dawn Slowi, 
Jason Strauss, Jocelyn Strauss, Emily Wagner, Ken Weston, Meggan Whitis
Please pray for us as we leave.
The team would like to thank all who donate to their trip!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

God is Good...

Bus ride to ferry as they start their trip home.
The Samoa team is home. We are all so very grateful for safe travel and to have our loved ones back in our presence again. They have many stories to tell of all God did in their lives, the lives of the Samoan people and how that has shaped their futures. Take time to listen and ask questions. Who knows maybe their experience will  inspire you to take a risk and do something new for our Lord.

Welcome home friends and family!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Ferry Check...Boarding Flight in Apia Check...

I heard from Katie a few minutes ago and the team is now boarding the plane in Apia, Samoa. The flight from Apia, Samoa to Honolulu, HI is about 5 & a half hours. Then they will have approximately a 7 & a half hour layover in Hawaii. Their flight from Hawaii is scheduled to take off at 8:55am, Hawaiian time. Prayers for safe travel, health and sleep.  

A Message from Rob & Katie

We're sitting on a bus, packed like sardines after meeting in the fale at 2:30am to head to the ferry. We had an amazing night last night. The team was treated with a fiafia (party). We experienced a lot of cultural firsts last night -- we were presented the highest form of respect with a special ceremony which included the high chief speaking, the presentation of special gifts, and the highest honor of gifting our team half a cow.  And yes, they brought the cow in! ;) 

The rest of the evening was filled with traditional food and entertainment.  Everyone brought out their best! The festivities were concluded with a lot of tears, pictures and glow sticks. The team went
​ to​
 the fale to distribute the gifts. We gave some last encouraging words to the team. And the majority went into the freshwater pools for a refreshing last bath in a beautiful setting! 

Earlier in the day, we finished strong at the medical clinic, seeing over 60 patients in just 3 hours!! We were treated to canoe rides out to the ocean after line, and concluded sports and kids camp with a giant field day and the biggest water balloon fight in the history of Matavai!! (Including the pastor's wife breaking a giant balloon over Rob's head!!) 

The team will take an hour ferry ride back to the main island of Upolu, where we'll take an hour ride to the capital of Apia for some shopping and souvenirs before heading to the airport this evening! Thank you for your continued prayers! This has been such a blessed trip! 

-Rob and Katie


Sunday Whites

Everything Skit Sunday Night Church
Medical Clinic
Med Clinic Intake with Lexi

Bible Camp
Bible Camp

Sports Camp

Bingo Wednesday Night

Tuesday Sunrise

Pray for Our Trip to Arizona...

Please pray for these beautiful faces and all the other children we will be sharing God's love with on the White Mountain Apache Reser...